Happy Saturday friends. There are so many things to do today! KASSI volunteers will be with Gardening Kingston at Roden Park, Norman Rogers Drive today from 10-12. We will be sharing seeds, knowledge ad ideas and premiering Gardening KIngston’s lovely Little Seed Library at that site!
Our friends at the Kenhte:ke Seed Sanctuary & and Learning Centre will be gathering today for a work bee at their beautiful seed garden in Tyendinaga from 10-12 today. They already had plenty of things for everyone to do but now could use some help to clean up debris from the huge windstorm that swept through our area.
And finally Rideau Thousand Islands Master Gardeners will be at the Cataraqui Golf and Country Club today until noon. They will have information on Planting for Pollinators, as well as our first “Bring One-Take One Perennial Trade. This wonderful way to expand our biodiversity collection and connect with local gardeners.Nothing to Trade? Perennials will be available for sale at $5, with revenue going to the Cataraqui Tree Fund.
We hope that you have a wonderful day!