Biennials produce seeds in their second year of growth so saving seeds from them can be challenging.
We would be happy if you grow the open-pollinated seeds for these biennial varieties from the KASSI Living Seed Commons for food to eat and share.
Varieties that are available for 2021 include:
Beet: Bull’s Heart: Striking red-purple leaves are an excellent addition to salads. Roots have a rich sweet flavour and are tasty and tender when harvested as small (2-3”) roots. Also delicious when they are larger. Tolerant of heat and cold.
Kale (Brassica napus):Russian Hunger Gap: Extremely rare, Very hardy . AS the name suggest, bolting in the spring is weeks later than other kales, filling the hunger gap of May with excellent tasty greens.
Rutabaga (Brassica napus): Famille Fortin: Rare. Produces large purple roots with yellow flesh that is resistant to disease and insects. Excellent winter storage. It was bred by the Fortin family from Cap Saint-Ignace in Quebec.